
Amura’s purpose
of existence is to
Accelerate the arrival of this future
60 million people die every year. For every year this future is delayed, millions will vanish from the face of earthMake sure that this future leaves Out less people
For the last two hundred years, most scientific breakthroughs came out of the west. And took several decades to reach the rest of the world. The time lag between the West and the East has diminished today. But the time lag between social strata remains high. People who get early access to the coming advancements will quickly gain big advantages and the rest may never catch up.
Moreover, wider availability of these advancements will make everything about the world better by an order of magnitude.
Help each one of us to develop in dimensions that are important to us
When human development is driven by economic entities, economic development gets preferential treatment over other kinds of growth.
Development on other dimensions eventually catch up. But generations are lost before this happens.
By consciously including multi-dimensional human development as a core purpose, we hope to steer the coming hyper-development as a well rounded experience.

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

Where are we
at early 2023?