Autoimmune diseases start with simple leaky gut and/or gut dysbiosis. Sometimes, they start with an infection. Sometimes, with nutritional, hormone disorders or circulatory deficiencies.
Autoimmune conditions are often seen in clusters. When someone has one flavor of autoimmune, it makes them more vulnerable for other flavors as well.
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Most common Autoimmune
conditions present
Food Intolerance
Entering of undigested food particles in the blood stream makes it sensitized as foreign bodies and hence making them your enemies according to your body's security system. So next time it is exposed to your food passage tract, it will spike up an inflammation and start giving you mild to moderate symptoms in the same day or can be delayed up to even 4 days. MORE
Leaky Gut
Gaping in the gut lining allows the unwanted things like partially digested food items, toxins, bad bacteria and viruses to get inside the bloodstream. This will be recognized as threat to the body and the security cells start fighting against them.
In some instance, they even start attacking the normal tissues and damage them. Hence, they will stop functioning. MORE
Inflammation of the air pipes in the lungs causing its narrowing, represents as Asthma. Any allergen in the body will spike this up immediately. And hence, if you have a leaky gut then you become sensitized to many substances. When these enter your system the next time, it will land you up in asthma. MORE
Food Allergies
When you have a damaged gut lining, partially digested foods,toxins and other harmful substances enters the blood stream spiking up inflammation in the same day. This might be life threatening or just alarming depending on the degree of sensitivity of that particular food.
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
When you have a leaky gut, unwanted particles gets absorbed in the bloodstream and spikes up a defense alarm (inflammation). The defense cells identifies your thyroid gland as its enemy and starts attacking it. MORE
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
In the womb, brain and the gut develop from the same tissue, and then migrate apart as the baby develops. As a result, the gut has a brain of its own! Most cases of IBS (but not all) seem to be dysfunction of the brain in the gut. MORE
Psoriasis is a systemic disease. Not just a skin disorder. It affects all tissues in the body, including vascular endothelium. MORE
Rheumatoid Arthritis
RA can be the combination of: Poor circulation, oxygenation or debry clearance. Excess inflammation. Deficiency of digestive enzymes, neurotransmitters or hormones, food intolerance. MORE
Chronic Sinusitis
Many things like recurrent upper respiratory infections, food intolerance, cystic fibrosis, immune deficiency and anatomical abnormalities can cause sinusitis. MORE
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Hashimotto's Thyroiditis | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Asthma | Coeliac | Crohn's Disease | Irritable Bowel Syndromes| Chronic Sinusitis
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