A new start

Megha Chandrashekar

A new start

Megha Chandrashekar

Health concerns addressed

We helped Megha fully reverse her elevated blood sugar, triglycerides and uric acid.

Amura is a better place today because we were lucky to have many like Megha, right at the beginning of Amura’s life.

  • She is genuinely warm and friendly that everyone in her care team were looking forward to a new day.
  • She never allowed an iota of bitterness into her life, even when life kept throwing curve balls.
  • Despite holding a responsibility at work that most people can only dream about, you would never get that vibe when you talk to her.
  • Her effortless determination is so strong that any instruction we gave her got implemented to the letter and spirit.
  • Lastly, her zest for life is so powerful that she would give everyone a feeling that one life is not enough.

If you watched the video below, Megha would tell you about a storm that disrupted her life some 18 months before she discovered Amura. Megha got into the Amura program to drop off some excess weight and become more comfortable in her body.

But we discovered that she had early stage diabetes and high cholesterol, and helped her fully reverse both these conditions.

Do you want to know how we helped her out?

Because we helped her with overall health improvement, not just weight loss, her energy levels and ability to focus for extended periods of time opened up an ocean of opportunities for her at work.

We know Megha well. We know how goal oriented and hard working she can be. We know she is operating now at a much higher level than she has ever.

Give her a few years. You are bound to see her reach heights few Indian women have.

Our heartfelt wishes for everything to go fabulously well with her latest journey.