Many, many people had changed their health around in a most unexpected way after they started working with Amura. We are so proud of them. We like to talk about them whenever we can. We like to make movies of them so others can see.
But Lavina had no major health issues. But for some excess weight gain, lethargy and tiredness, she was in good health when she started working with us. There is no medical-miracle angle to this story.
But there is so much beauty here, we ought to tell this story.
Lavina (Lovie to her friends) lives her life as if she is forever sixteen.
Lavina never lets life pull her down or make her bitter. Her positivity, her zest for life and her beautiful smile are all instantly contagious.
Maybe because Lavina insisted on remaining innocent and trusting, the Universe gave her a fairytale life, and a knight (Bimal) to protect her from the big, bad world.
This is the story of someone who attracted so much love and beauty into her life. We played a small part by adding some more of it as she was turning 54.
If you are in your 50s or later, if you think you have allowed your life to get the better of you, you will find this story inspiring.
Maybe that inspiration is the little nudge you were waiting for.
Start now. Change your story.