Thyroid Deficiency
now has a new storyLow thyroid levels can be due to a combination of nutrient deficiency, autoimmune condition or, in some cases, excess estrogen. Finding the right cause and correcting it optimizes the thyroid levels in 2/3rd of the cases.
Old Story
New Story
- When the TSH level is within the normal lab refernece range, your thyroid levels are good.
- Most people whose TSH is in the upper two third of the lab reference range have many symptoms of thyroid deficiency.
- Taking a thyroxine pills takes care of thyroid hormone deficiency.
- True, but it doesn't do anything to control the other damages of iodine deficiency, autoimmune or estrogen dominance.
- Iodine is bad for thyroid glands.
- Most cases of hypothyroidism are the result of iodine deficiency.
- Cruciferous vegetables are bad for someone with hypothyroidism.
- True, but only marginally so. Anyone who is taking sufficient amount of iodine doesn't have to be worried about their intake of cruciferous vegetables.
How much time does it take
to reverse your Hypothyroidism?week
Reduce the intensity of autoimmune actions
Increase production of thyroid hormones
Bring thyroid production into line and keep it there
Groups of people for whom this program will not work
Medical science hasn't come to a point where everyone gets guaranteed results. While this program works for a vast majority, there are always a small subset of people for whom this may only be partially effective, or not at all.Gland damage:
If your thyroid glands have not been damaged or removed, Amura's program can work for you.
Adrenal system:
Adrenal and thyroid hormones work together. So, if the adrenal glands are damaged, we may not be able to recover the thyroid function.Advanced stage of Disease
If the disease is in an advanced stage, Amura's program can only get you a partial remission, at best.
General limitation:
A small portion of the hypothyroid patients won't get a full reversal (but they will definitely get partial reversal) with the Amura program.Physiological damages/changes
Amura's programs work by optimizing the nutrition and hormone balance in the body. Certain diseases with their origin in damage to an organ, or because of a way that they are built, may only have partial response, if at all.Edge Cases
With every health condition, there are always a tiny fraction of edge-cases that don't respond. The day medicine can guarantee its results will be the day we could defy death. Till then, we need to be aware that we are dealing with a science that is still far from completion.1
360° holistic health assessment
Amura's round the clock health and medical services will ensure you have the support you need to undergo your given protocol.
Root cause diagnosis
Discover the underlying root cause of your condition. using Amura's full-scope testing, and begin treatment of the root cause for your lasting recovery.
Custom NMT prescription
The medical protocol's Amura will be assigning to you will be tailor made for your condition reversal and health recovery.
Even more Questions?
About Amura Programs
We will help you to identify the food items that cause you harm and remove them from your diet. We will identify your nutritional deficiencies and add them. With that, your hypertension will start reversing.
About Hypothyroid reversal
Can you change your Thyroid Deficiency story?
More on Hormones
Hormone Balances
Common Imbalances
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