
now has a new story

Psoriasis is a systemic disease. Not just a skin disorder. It affects all tissues in the body, including vascular endothelium.

Patients with psoriasis need excellent free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory support, topping up of several nutrients, facilitating programmed cell death and support for increasing mitochondrial energy production.

You don't need to be sick anymore

Change your Story

You don't need to be sick anymore

Change your Story

You are in good company

These people have every option in the world available to them, yet, they chose Amura to help them reverse their Psoriasis.

You are in good company

These people have every option in the world available to them, yet, they chose Amura to help them reverse their Psoriasis.

{Patient name}


Brought his HbA1c from 9.2 to 5.4 in four months.

{Patient name}


Brought his HbA1c from 9.2 to 5.4 in four months.

You too can change your story


The story of Psoriasis has changed

Why can't yours?

The story of Psoriasis has changed

Why can't yours?



  • You get type-2 diabetes because you have too much sugar in your body.

Old Story

New Story

  • Nothing can be done to cure or reverse psoriasis.
  • Lot can be done using appropriate nutrition to reduce symptoms of psoriasis or to send it to remission.
  • The most we can do for psoriasis is to make the psoriatic skin cells grow slower, mostly with topical creams.
  • Psoriasis is not just about skin cells. It affects endothelial cells all over the body. An inside-out healing is the correct approach.

Why be a sick person?

Change your Story

How much time does it take

to reverse your Psoriasis?

How much time does it take

to reverse your Psoriasis?



Start seeing improvement in most symptoms.



Many people can get remission at this stage.



Some people will need 6 months or more for full remission.

What are you waiting for?

Get in touch, now!

Groups of people for whom this program will not work

Medical science hasn't come to a point where everyone gets guaranteed results. While this program works for a vast majority, there are always a small subset of people for whom this may only be partially effective, or not at all.

Physiological damages/changes

Amura's programs work by optimizing the nutrition and hormone balance in the body. Certain diseases with their origin in damage to an organ, or because of a way that they are built, may only have partial response, if at all.

Edge Cases

With every health condition, there are always a tiny fraction of edge-cases that don't respond. The day medicine can guarantee its results will be the day we could defy death. Till then, we need to be aware that we are dealing with a science that is still far from completion.

Advanced stage of Disease

If the disease is in an advanced stage, Amura's program can only get you a partial remission, at best.

Do you have it in you to

make it a success?

How is Amura's program different

from the standard-care you have been receiving?

How is Amura's program different

from the standard-care you have been receiving?


360° holistic health assessment

Amura's round the clock health and medical services will ensure you have the support you need to undergo your given protocol.


Root cause diagnosis

Discover the underlying root cause of your condition. using Amura's full-scope testing, and begin treatment of the root cause for your lasting recovery.


Custom NMT prescription

The medical protocol's Amura will be assigning to you will be tailor made for your condition reversal and health recovery.


24x7 access

Amura's round the clock health and medical services will ensure you have the support you need to undergo your given protocol.

Even more Questions?

About Amura Programs

We will help you to identify the food items that cause you harm and remove them from your diet. We will identify your nutritional deficiencies and add them. You will start moving towards your health objective.

About Psoriasis reversal

Still haven't found
what you are looking for?

How much is this going to cost you?

How much is this going to cost you?


How much does it cost? You will need to be with us for a minimum of 3 months. Based on your health condition, your time and cost budget can go up.

₹ 8,000/Month

For Amura’s medical consultation and
daily health coaching
Additional Budget you will need

₹ 5,000/Month

For nutraceuticals

₹ 3,000/Month

For investigations

Rule of thumb

Similar to what you spent last year on disease management

Can you change your Psoriasis story?

More on Autoimmune conditions

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases home


Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!

Metabolic Diseases are the result of Insulin Resistance

Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!

Metabolic Diseases are the result of Insulin Resistance