Anxiety and Panic Disorder
now has a new storyIts a feeling of worry and fear that interprets in a restless manner. This is not as simple as an imbalance in brain chemicals. There are multiple factors underlying it. Most important of them is inflammation and adrenal gland overuse. When you have an unhealthy leaky gut, all the unwanted and harmful substances gets inside the blood worsening the scenario. Deficiency in nutrition that will be responsible to fight the inflammation and production of the brain chemicals will contribute to the internal chaos.
A systematic approach in lowering the inflammation is the backbone of getting you out of anxiety. Supporting the adrenal glands, liver and thyroid glands will take care of the hormonal imbalances. Addressing leaky gut and eliminating the allergens will make a huge difference.
Old Story
New Story
- Most of the cases of anxiety has psychological origins.
- Cases of anxiety can also have their origin in neuro-chemical, hormonal or nutritional imbalances or environmental toxins.
- Food items, perhaps with the exception of sugary food, have no impact on anxiety.
- Most cases of anxiety may have been triggered or promoted by food intolerances.
- Nutrition play only a marginal role, if at all, in anxiety and panic.
- Optimizng nutrition is the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to dealing with anxiety.
Start seeing improvement in the symptoms.
Start reducing existing anxiety medication, if any.
Come of all anxiety medication.
Some people may need 12 months or more to satisfactorily address their anxiety.
Groups of people for whom this program will not work
Medical science hasn't come to a point where everyone gets guaranteed results. While this program works for a vast majority, there are always a small subset of people for whom this may only be partially effective, or not at all.Genetic Mutation
If you have a genetic mutation called MTHFR, then approach has to be different and the results are not promising.Severe disease
Severity of anxiety has to be assessed on a case to case basis. As far as the condition does not make you impulsive or self destructive, it should be fine.Physiological damages/changes
Amura's programs work by optimizing the nutrition and hormone balance in the body. Certain diseases with their origin in damage to an organ, or because of a way that they are built, may only have partial response, if at all.Edge Cases
With every health condition, there are always a tiny fraction of edge-cases that don't respond. The day medicine can guarantee its results will be the day we could defy death. Till then, we need to be aware that we are dealing with a science that is still far from completion.Advanced stage of Disease
If the disease is in an advanced stage, Amura's program can only get you a partial remission, at best.
Damaged organs
If you have a damaged liver or thyroid, then the recovery might be really slow.1
360° holistic health assessment
Amura's round the clock health and medical services will ensure you have the support you need to undergo your given protocol.
Root cause diagnosis
Discover the underlying root cause of your condition. using Amura's full-scope testing, and begin treatment of the root cause for your lasting recovery.
Custom NMT prescription
The medical protocol's Amura will be assigning to you will be tailor made for your condition reversal and health recovery.
Even more Questions?
About Amura Programs
Can you change your Anxiety and Panic Disorder story?
More on Neuro Chemical Disorders
Neuro-Chemical Disorders
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