Cardiovascular system consists of the heart (cardio) and the blood vessels (vascular). This system is responsible for circulating the blood in the body. The diseases of the blood circulatory system are called the cardiovascular diseases or CVDs. Insulin resistance is the most common cause for most of the CVDs. Autoimmune is another frequent cause of CVDs, but it is highly under-diagnosed.
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Most common Cardiovascular Diseases
conditions present
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is the result of excess fuel, in the form of fatty acids, left stranded in the blood. This happens when the fat cells get filled up to the brim. MOREBlocks in Arteries
The endothelium is the inner layer in blood vessels if it gets damaged the body tries to layer over it with putty in the form of cholesterol. Then it uses calcium to stabilize the cholesterol plaques. Over the years, this develops into blocks in the arteries (called atherosclerosis). MORECan you change your Cardiovascular Diseases story?
More information on Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
CVD main
Common CVD Conditions
Common causes
Common Consequences
Heart Attack | Stroke